How I Get My Unicorn Hair
Rainbow Hair DIY Tutorial
I started dying my hair magenta when I was a student at LaGuardia High School in the 90s- back then it was Manic Panic dye and boy was it messy!
Flash forward to now and it seems everyone has a head of color thanks to so many modern formulas that have made the dyes less runny and easier to control.
While I am not a trained hair colorist by any means- I have been toying around with my hair dye for the last several years seriously
A salon visit for multi colored hair can cost anywhere from 250- 600 dollars depending on your location - this look does not come cheap.
To get the brightest colors it is recommended that you bleach or pre lighten your mane prior to applying the unicorn colors. I do not bleach my own hair and I now only get my hair highlighted once per year.
Due to the cost of maintaining- I’ve learned to DIY my own ombre colors- but I leave the bleaching and highlighting to a hair professional.
Even if you’re hair is natural and not pre lightened -feel free to give this a try but it may not show up as bold. Please read the late of the dyes and follow the directions expressly- and you may want to try a patch test to check for any allergies.
I bought all of these products inexpensively at my local beauty supply store. This was my first time using this brand Adore by Creative Images . At 4 bucks a bottle- it really compared to Arctic Fox or Joico which is honestly double the price. . Im also using Jerome Russels Punky Color, with I have used many times in the past and loved.
Space Bun Tutorial is here.
My Purple here is Purple Rage from Adore
My Blue is Indigo Blue & Aquamarine mixed
Punky Colors by Jerome Russel in Flamingo Pink
Please note that none of the brands are sponsored and I got them at Bliss Beauty. Bliss has multiple locations in New York City so check them out! I’m quite impressed with their selection and low prices of hair and and make up supplies. When you shop local you’re supporting families over big corporations:)
If you’ve been wanting to maintain you ombre unicorn stripes at home or if youre curious as to I get ine- watch the 4 minute video at the bottom!
Here’s a list of what you’ll need:
Dye in your colors
Hair bands
Dye Bowls
Dye brush applicator
Hair Clips
Hair Cap
Old towels
GLOVES (if you don’t want your hair to get stained)
Magic Erasers work great to get it all out!
Yes I get messy! You can prepare yourself by wearing old clothes and watch out for any white walls!