5 Sure-Fire Ways to Tone Up Fast
Wanna tone up? Then you need to build some muscle..
If you desire a more fit and strong looking physique more lean muscle mass is the way to achieve it
And growing muscles requires a positive energy balance and commitment. This means taking in the right nutrients and performing the right workouts . Additionally, research shows that you need to consume the right amounts of lean protein and carbohydrates to boost your muscle growth.
However, gaining strength and getting toned is more than just weights and protein.
Here are five easy ways to fast track your results
Set your strength goals
It’s not as simple as just showing up for class or to the gym.
You should set goals with deadlines to help you monitor your progress.
The first thing you need to do is to increase your strength and endurance levels. This will improve your ability to recruit muscle fibers. When we workout out it stresses your muscles and they respond by building more muscle to brain pathways and building more muscle cells. This means the next time we do the same workout- it will be easier. To continually make strength goals we will need to continually progress the workouts. So- first thing is to draw a roadmap to help you get there. It is highly recommended you work with a trainer to draw out a plan that includes progressively overloading your body.
Work out
If you want to get toned,you gotta work for it. For best results perform both cardio and strength exercises. Resistance training helps grow muscles and define their shape. Cardio will help get your heart rate up and burn off those extra layers of fat. Be realistic about how much you perform, start small and build up to more advanced moves as things become less challenging.
Check out this beginner Pilates program here which includes both!
Photo By Sean Swann
Eat more carbs
A low-carb diet is famous for body fat loss. However, when it comes to gaining lean muscle, you may actually need more carbs. Do not fear carbs if you want to improve your lean muscle mass. However, you should ensure that you eat clean food and enough calories. To get started, consider including carbs in your pre-workout and post-workout meals. Remember a balanced diet includes all macronutrients of protein carbs and fats- you should not be eliminating any of these for a healthy metabolism.
Drink a shake
Shakes can be a great boost before, during, and after a workout session. This helps you recover fast, restore your glycogen levels and improves your energy levels. Make sure that your shake has protein and carbs to enhance muscle growth and recovery. Alternatively, you can use post-workout recovery supplements to help you recover and grow muscles faster. This is one of the best ways to make your hardcore workouts less taxing on your body.
Get enough sleep
You need lots of rest and recovery to get toned, particularly after workouts. There is no better way to rest and reset than having a good night’s sleep. You need at least seven hours of sleep every night. This isnt always so easy. Try to get better quality sleep by going to bed early and reducing distractions, such as noise and lights. I meditate and use CBD.
The Bottom Line
Toning up should not be an overwhelming task if you are committed.
Start small by making dietary and lifestyle changes and working out regularly.
Stop procrastinating and start your fitness journey today with these simple tips. Hit the mat and be as productive as you possibly can. However, you need to make sure you get every workout routine right to avoid injury. Good luck on your journey!!!
Need more tips?
Check out my free e-book here to get you started on your toning goals right!