Why You're Not Getting Results
Reasons Why Your Workout Isn’t Actually Working
You’ve tried it all - different workout techniques, equipment, diets, routine, etc.
You’ve given it your all, but every time you look into the mirror, you’re less than impressed with what you see. You’ve tried to remain as committed as you can, but you only find your workout isn’t yielding results. So, what are you doing wrong?
Photo Seann Swann
It is probably safe to assume that you are fully aware of the immense benefits of working out. But realizing that you’re not making any progress or stalling your fitness goals can be a huge source of frustration and discouragement.
So, is your workout failing to yield results? These could be some of the reasons.
You’re getting your diet wrong
Workouts should go with the proper nutrition.
And for you to get the latter right, you need to know what is missing in your diet concerning your fitness or workout goals. For example, your pre-workout diet should target fueling you with the energy you need, while your post-workout meals should aim at helping your muscles recover.
Your body needs quality carbs, lean protein, fluids, and healthy fats for the best results. ((Regardless of what the latest keto or diet trend is)). Food is not the enemy- please make it your friend by finding a well balanced meal plan that gets you the nutrients you need to fuel your body. And if you’re struggling to find the perfect nutritional blend in your meals, you can get it now with the right food supplements.
Not working hard enough or working too hard
When it comes to exercising, you need to find the perfect balance - it shouldn’t be too much or too little.
Too much, and you will end up with sore muscles with very little chance to heal. On the other hand, not working out hard enough will barely yield any results. If you’ve been working out consistently for several weeks and things have become easy, try increasing the intensity a bit. The more you workout, the more your body adapts to become more efficient at doing that particular activity. You can add more reps, more weight or new exercises that take more skill to do.
Working out too much will wear out your body, as your muscles need time to recover and repair. That means you need to take a day or two off each week to rest. Additionally- working out too much will tax your immune system- and no one wnts that rn!
You’re using the wrong technique or bad form
It’s not only about how many reps you can do or how much you exercise but also about the technique you use.
For example, if you’re trying to tighten your stomach muscles, using the wrong workout and breathing technique can yield the opposite results via pushing your stomach out instead of pulling it in. You can also injure yourself if you use the wrong approach, which will set you back. For core exercises that can mean lower back problems instead of toned abs.
So, if your workouts don’t seem to be paying off, you might want to take a second look at your technique. If you’re unsure how to go about a particular workout technique, I highly recommend you work one on one with a certified trainer
Photo Seann Swann
You’re stuck in a workout rut
It is always essential to add some spice to your workout regime.
If you’ve been doing the same thing consistently for months, you will lose the challenge factor and excitement at some point and find yourself stuck in a workout rut. And even motivating yourself will become a problem. It becomes the same old same old blaaaahhhh.
While it is great to have some consistency, try mixing up your workout routines often. If you mostly do Pilates- add a strength training day in. If cardio and running is your jam- try some yoga, variety really is the spice of life and fitness!