The Ultimate Hip Flexor Stretch
How To Stretch Your Hip Flexors
Do your hips feel tight and achey? Let’s move into some mobility
As a trainer I constantly hear people complain about tightness in their hips.
Sitting bunches up your hips in the flexed or bent position- and let’s face it- we sit a lot.
Photo Dark Matter Photography
With lockdowns tightening up more than last years skinny jeans lets loosen up with a 25 minute Pilates & hip mobility workout
Tight hips can contribute to low back pain, as well as knee and hip issues.
If you are having problems nailing squats, lunges, Pilates rollups and other hip moves- poor hip mobility could be the culprit
Hip mobility means your femur (thigh) bone has the ability to move freely inside your hip socket.
Your hips are the very center of your body - so any athlete knows these need to function properly to perform at your best.
Even if you’re not a top athlete- remaining tpainfree through desk jobs, car rides and Netflix sessions, will require targeted exercises and stretches to alleviate the tension
Stretching alone will NOT achieve this, flexibility and strength are closely related.
Here’s what mobility training does, which strengthens your joints in the long positions, as opposed to just stretching,
Expands the range of motion in the hip flexors
Reduces muscle tightness & imbalance
Strengthens the surrounding muscles
This workout will target your core hips flexors glutes and hamstrings
Lets make our muscles simultaneously stronger and more supple.