The Pilates Celebration Continues... Week 2
March came in like a lion with our first week of March MATness. Let's continue to party on to the classics! I'll be celebrating with step by step follow along videos and some fun colorful pilates pics for the rest of this Springing ahead type month.
Joseph Pilates originally developed 34 exercises as illustrated in his book "Return To Life". I'm fortunate to have studied underneath his protegee Romana Kryzanowska. I will be sharing her versions, as she learned them, from Joe when she was a Ballenchine dancer.
March Matness was invented by Benjamin Degenhardt and I will be posting one move of the classical series each day on March. If you missed last week don't worry! I put together a 7-minute workout off 7 first exercises:
The last exercise in the below video is
Spine Stretch:
Stretch the muscles all along the back body as you work on stabilizing the hips. We utilize the breath to facilitate a depper and yummier stretch.
Working: Abs & Spine
Grab your mat and let's do the first 7 together to warm you up before we swan dive deeper on the pilates mat.
Rocker with Open Legs
I learned it as Open Leg Rocker but when Joe was alive he called it the former. This is probably one of the hardest rolls to execute perfectly. For many of us controlling the roll with straight arms and legs will not be easy to master. I have given many variations for beginners to try different ways to slowly build. Check the video below!
Working: Abs, Shoulder Stability, Spinal Mobility & Balance
The Corkscrew
Do you want to put your obliques on fleek? Add this twisted leg lifting ab move in to challenge your control and entire core. The video will show you beginner through advanced variations.
The Saw
Rotation of the spine is critical to keep your mobility. If you sit a lot you probably do not rotate a lot. It also teaches you to keep your hips sqiuare as you twist your shoulders, which will be crucial for the advanced exercises comeing soon!
Muscles Used: Abs & spine
Swan Dive
This Classical chest opening exercise can be tons of fun if you have a sense of humor about it. In the video i break down you can start dto earn the core coordination required to time the arms and legs see sawing.
Muscles Used: Shoulder girdle muscles and spinal stabilizers
One Leg Kick
Open your chest and shoulders while you strengthen the back of your body- if you sit hunched over a lot, try this move to reset your spine:)
Muscles Used: Low back, shoulder girdle and hamstrings.
Double Leg Stretch Kick- and Happy Pi Day!!!!
I may have modified the first pic for the day, but I did not want to smash my face with pie today.😉
This massive front body stretching move will rejuvenate your spine and work the muscles along your spine and behind your thighs.
Start with one cheek down and elbows bent to sides, fingers clasped. Scoop abs in so they lift off mat and press hips and tailbone down. Kick your bottom by bending your knees three times.
Straighten legs. Toes to the mat. Arms and fingers stretch back to feet. Open chest and shoulders. Pause and keep sliding shoulders down as you extend spine up high.
Lower to mat bending elbows and knees but turning the other cheek down to the mat.👣 Kick three times and repeat 3 to 5 times in each direction.
Do you have a bestie that loves Pilates too? Share this article with her and try some of the moves together:)
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