Pilates Mermaid Week 1 #HalloweenFITFun2021
Pilates Mermaid Abs and Obliques - Magic Circle Workout
Why be anything else when you can be a Pilates Mermaid?
Welcome to the kickoff to the third year of #HalloweenFITFun2021 !
Who says that my dreams, have to stay just my dreams? - Ariel
This year I dreamed of going to the Coney Island Mermaid Parade- but delta made a dent in those plans. So I’m kicking (or is that finning?) off Halloween 2021 with my handmade siren esque Mermaid costume and a Magic Circle AB workout :)
In 2012 I made this costume. My friend Celeste White- a talented designer had coached me through the intricate process and it probably had about 2000 shells on it. Many have fallen off through the years and it’s only been worn a handful of times
Before we get into today’s Abs Obliques Hips & Core Routine with the Magic Circle-
Here are some Fun Facts about Mermaids:
The first mermaid depicts from Atargatis in 1000 BC an ancient Syrian fertility goddess. She dove into a lake to become a fish, only her bottom half was transformed
Mermaids were believed to be able to see into the future and to be temperamental- the sight of one was considered bad luck (I might get gnarly wearing shells as bras all darn day HBU?)
European sailors mistook Manatees for Mermaids in the dark
There is nothing wishy washy about this workout- get ready to sculpt into a hardcore Magic Circle ab routine!
Todays workout will feature single sided circle ab work and lower ab and side lying hip moves that target obliques, abs, hips and core
You may know I started my YouTube channel after the loss of two dear friends from cancer.
This year is the unfortunate anniversary of losing a third.
Silver Lucy was a huge inspiration and dear friend to me, and succumbed in 2020 to Ovarian Cancer. Her sparkly designs have been featured across my channels since I began. She was one of the first people I met upon my arrival to San Francisco and I will never forget how warm fun and special every moment with her was. It’s rare that a day goes by that I do not think of her. She is truly missed by so many and the world lost a special irreplaceable person when she left.
Each week as I release a Halloween FIT Fun vid, I will call for donations to a 501c charity in honor of one of my colorful and creative friends.
I have chosen OCRA Hope this week. See the below for some facts about Ovarian cancer, It is often detected in its late stages, as it was with Silver. Many many many people wish she were still here today and I wish no one would ever have to watch a friend mother sister daughter or partner lost to this vicious disease
Here are some ovarian cancer early warning signs:
Pelvic or abdominal pain or cramping.
Feeling full quickly after starting to eat or lack of appetite.
Indigestion or upset stomach.
Feeling like you have to urinate more frequently or urgently than normal.
Unexplained exhaustion.
Bloating and/or constipation.
Getting tested for mutations in the BCRA gene will also determine risk factors.
Rest In Power Silver