How to Stay On Your Pilates Path

The hardest part of working out? Without a doubt- is staying on a workout path!

You know that improving your fitness , takes a bit of commitment - but are you struggling to commit to your new fit lifestyle? Read on to learn a few quick tips…

Finding your dedication when it comes to your fitness can be pretty tough initially, but it’s all about making things a habit and making it enjoyable.

Remember WHY

Whenever you are feeling stuck with your fitness in general, it’s a good idea to go back and look again at your motivations for wanting to be fit. It might be that you want to look better for summer, you want more energy to feel stronger or more flexible, or a wide range of other reasons. Whatever it might be, just make sure that you remember why you started and that you remind yourself of it from time to time. You can’t commit to what you’re not dedicated to…

Try a New Sport

Maybe it’s time to shake things up! Sports can help you realize xe why training is good and can stir up any competitiveness inside you. The time can go by quick if you like it and it’s a great way to get more activity in and work on coordination and get some cardio in…… if you take a look at you will see some examples of the kinds of sports that are great for increasing fitness levels!.

Pair it With Something You Like

Maybe it’s listening to a new podcast or album, or hiking during the sunset. Perhaps it’s going to a studio you love or treating yourself to a new outfit- make sure something about your workout is enjoyable!

Create A Plan

It might sound obvious, but having a plan can be one of the most effective ways to ensure your on the Pilates path is to have a plan and I highly recommend writing it down. Try a journal or using your calendar or notes app to writer what you did and track how you felt. Your plan can be as detailed or as loose as you need it to be - but the important thing is that you are doing all you can to make it as effective and realistic as possible. With a plan in place, you are going to find that it is much easier to stick with it!

Enlist a Workout Buddy

And try the buddy system- either workout together- or have a text buddy you check in with to make sure you both got your Pilates on every day

Get Enough Rest

It sounds counterintuitive but if you’re sleep deprived you won’t be your best for your Pilates or workout practice. Try to get enough sleep or take a nap before your workout time

Fitness Idol

Finally, consider spending some time trying to find someone you can look up to, a kind of fitness idol who is going to help you to figure out why you enjoy spending time trying to get fit. Think JLo’s booty or Michelle Obamas arms…

It may sound cheesy but I really do love all those fitness quotes- check them out for some more words that will get you off your butt- and back into your pilates class