5 Ways To Boost Your Mood

Who doesn’t want to be in a good mood?

If you’ve been feeling down in the dumps- rest assured you’re not alone.

Depression and anxiety rates have tripled according to some studies since COVID

After the last few years we all know mental health is as important as your physical health.

I’m sure you’ve heard the basic mood boosting tips- get enough sleep, drink plenty of water, keep it moving with exercise and make sure you’re eating healthy balanced meals.

Do you need a bit more to shine some light on your grumpier days?

Here are our tips to lift your mood and feel happier.

We hope it helps to put a smile on your face and check this out for more mental health tips

Come on- let’s get happy!

  1. Give thanks

It’s so easy to get caught in the comparison traps and feel like you’re not good enough because yo don’t have this or that… But gratitude helps us to shift from what we don’t have- to what we DO HAVE.

Practicing gratitude has been proven to lead to a happier life, a better mindset and so much more. Gratitude increases mindfulness. Being mindful can help you feel stressed or react to negative thoughts and feelings or dwell excessively on problems and worries too much.

Here’s a quick practice to incorporate daily.

Write down three things you are grateful for at the beginning of each day and three things you are thankful that happened each night

2. Get Outside

Or even better- a walk in the park or just around the block….

Sunlight can provide vitamin D, it aids your circadian rhythms which will help you sleep better. A Stanford University study found that walking in nature could lead to a lower risk of depression

Walking itself will increase blood flow to your brain helping you beat sluggishness and release some dopamine- the feel good chemical into your brain. The sunlight can help you to produce serotonin- the happy brain chemical. So the combo of walking outside really is nature’s antidepressant.. Even just sitting on your terrace for a few minutes can make a world of difference

3. Go Green (Not that green)

Have you tried Delta 9 THC ?

Cannabis CBD and Delta 9 can be a great way to help combat the blues. You know exercising, speaking to a therapist, and meditation all come to mind with mental health - but Delta 9 THC may also be a part of a contentment and relaxation plan.

There are actually several types of THC cannabinoids found in cannabis. Delta 9 THC, (Delta 9, D9) typically referred to as simply “THC”, is the most commonly known cannabinoid. This cannabinoid creates the typical euphoric uplifting elating and relaxing experience.

In the right doses, it can help you manage your mood - . You may need to speak to a healthcare professional before starting with this, it’s an effective option I have enjoyed for awhile. There are some potential side effects but there are a plethora of delivery methods such as smoking vaping edibles and gummies. Find what fits for you!

4. Learn New Skills

Did you know that learning was one way to feel happier? It’s been shown that it’s effective, however. It offers multiple benefits beyond learning the skill itself. These include:

  • Raise self-esteem and boost confidence

  • Connect with a new community

  • Building sense of purpose

  • Feel mentally stimulated

If there’s a skill you always wanted to learn, but haven’t gotten around to it, do it now. You’ll benefit from it more than you’d think. The sense of accomplishment you have can help improve your mood regularly. You’ll meet new people who share the same interest of you and you’ll have something to look forward to every day.

5. Give To Others

Studies have shown that acts of kindness can improve your mood. That includes reducing anxiety, improving happiness, helping your sense of self worth and leads to stronger feelings of social connection. Se

You don’t need to perform large acts of kindness for it to work. Smaller acts can have as much of an impact as the larger ones, . Even spending time actively listening to loved ones can be an effective option. Compliment a stranger, smile at your neighbor,

Take an old friend out for coffee and have a long conversation with them. It’ll can help you feel more positive and revisiting good memories can be a positive mood booster as well.

And remember- why be moody when you can shake your booty

Any form of exercise can go a long way to get your body and mind in the right place!