Burn Fat With These Low Impact Exercises
Why do you workout?
Most people have a fitness goal.
Many babes look to do one of three things: burn fat, gain muscle, or improve health levels.
Whether you work out for fun or your workouts are goal-oriented, you need to consider what you want to get from your workouts - and whether you have the joint capacity to move in a way that WILL NOT injure you
Whether you are new to working out, had a long lay off, are recently recovered from an injury, or just feel drained from long days- it’s always a good idea to look at low impact ways to exercise.
Not only is it kinder on your joints, but you get to spend more time feeling like your workouts are safe and effective.
Choosing low impact exercises will be easier on your body when you’re easing into working out, especially if you’re under medical supervision or dealing with the advice of an orthopedic foot surgeon. The last thing you want to do is start running Couch to 5K when you are supposed to be resting easy!
So, let’s check out some of the low impact exercises you could do to burn fat without too much strain on your joints.
It’s the best low impact exercise you can enjoy, swimming. It’s kind to the joints and it torches the calories, too. You can reduce the stress on your body with buoyancy in the water, and you can burn calories through the fact that it’s both cardio and strength in one.
You may think that cycling is a high impact workout, but when you cycle at the gym or through the city, it’s a low impact workout that’s going to burn a load of calories. You can up the resistance with higher gear levels, too, so you are always going to have a challenge!
Row, Row, Row Your Boat!
Rowing is one of the best exercises if you are looking for a cardio workout that focuses on total body strength. You don't bear weight in this exercise, and it’s a great option if you are dealing with sore joints. You can burn through a lot of calories when you choose to row, and you will see the benefits really quickly with your whole body.
If you aren't a fan of the gym but you are a fan of strength workouts, you need a TRX. You can work your whole body from the comfort of your own home and you can balance your suspension trainer at home on a door. Just make sure that you anchor your suspension trainer to a door that closes inwards.
Low impact exercise like Pilates may not burn up your fat as fast as other exercises, but walking will do the trick. It’s really my main form of cardio! Add an incline with a hill or two, and you’ll be stepping your way to leaner legs in no time at all.
Burning fat requires exercise and attention to nutrition- you just can’t out train a bad diet.
With these exercises, you can get started in burning more fat and getting leaner at the same time.
Take the time to try them out and see what works for you!
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