Jessi Fit Pilates

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Defining Range Of Motion

Have you heard your trainer or instructor say range of motion and weren’t quite sure what they meant?

Range of motion refers to the extent to which your joints and muscles can move in various directions without discomfort or pain, and it plays a significant role in your overall wellbeing, from your daily activities to athletic performance.

Let’s find out why it's essential to achieve ideal ROM and maintain it. 

Understanding ROM

Range of motion in simple terms is how easily you can move your body.

It's not just about flexibility, but also about how freely and comfortably your joints work to move your limbs

Whether it's bending down to tie your shoes, reaching for objects on high shelves or even getting out of bed in the morning, your ability to move without restraints greatly impacts your quality of life.

Maintaining ROM can help prevent injuries and keep you independent as you get older and keep you feeling sprite- so read on to learn more-

The Importance of Range of Motion

Your muscles and joints can respond better to stimuli and demands when they're flexible and mobile,

which makes them less prone to strains, sprains and other types of injuries.

ROM and posture are closely related; excellent posture requires your spine and torso to be held in alignment by your core. Restricted ROM can result in poor posture, which can then result in back and neck pain. Pilates is a great way to work on your core for posture

A wide range of motion is very beneficial to athletes because it keeps you moving better with better technique and aids in agility and competitiveness . It may also help prevent injuries and that’s an advantage whether you’re a pro on a sports team or just a weekend warrior,

Maintaining a healthy range of motion is essential for joint health as it helps distribute synovial fluid which lubricates the joints and nourishes the cartilage, reducing the risk of conditions like osteoarthritis.

Achieving and Maintaining Range of Motion

Stretching is one of the most effective ways to improve and maintain your range of motion

- regular stretching exercises target specific muscle groups, helping to lengthen and relax them.

Try to incorporate both static and dynamic stretches into your routine for the very best possible  results.

Strength training exercises like weights or any form of resistance training will help build muscle mass and improve joint stability- strong muscles support your joints and contribute to better overall mobility.

Maintaining good posture throughout the day is essential for preserving your range of motion so be conscious of your body alignment, especially when you’re going to be sitting or standing for long periods. Ergonomic adjustments in your workspace can also help.

Maintaining your ideal body weight is another thing to think about, as it can put undue stress on your joints, limiting their movement and causing discomfort.

Proper hydration and a balanced diet rich in nutrients like calcium and vitamin D are essential for maintaining healthy joints and muscles. Dehydration can lead to muscle cramps and stiffness which affect your ROM.

If youre like me and work out a lot- be sure to allow your body enough time to recover so your body repairs and rejuvenates.

If you’re sore you’re prob stiff too.

Yoga and Pilates are holistic approaches that combine physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. These will not only improve flexibility but also enhance your body's overall functionality and balance too. In fact, regular participation in yoga or pilates classes can lead to increased range of motion and reduced muscle tension. 

Using Pros

If youre feeling out of whack maybe its time to see that doc who cracks….

Chiropractic adjustments can help align your spine and improve joint mobility. Regular visits can help to address the issues that could be limiting your ROM- so whether you use a chiropractor for back pain, neck, shoulder or other pain you’re sure to get relief.

Skilled physical therapists are another type of professional you can fall back onto, they can assess your specific needs and develop a personalised treatment plan to target any areas of limited mobility that you have. They often use exercises, manual techniques and heat or ice to enhance ROM.

Massage therapy is another excellent way to release muscle tension and improve circulation. Professional massages can target specific areas of tension which release trigger points provide relief and increase feelings of wellbeing.. Not to mention you get a serotonin boost….it’s great for your mind body and soul!

How ROM Fights Aging 

As we get older it becomes even more important to keep our joints working well

so we’re able to move, so we can do everyday things without pain or relying on anyone else.

As we age, joints can get stiff as we make less collagen, our muscles may get weaker if we arent as active, and balance often is affected. The right movement and wellness plan we can fight these problems.

Yoga and pilates and strength training continue to be great choices here- as long as good form and alignment is used with proper technique

Low impact activities like walking and swimming help to maintain muscle mass and cardiovascular health as well

When you put in the effort to improve your ROM in a properly you’re bound to feel better in your body

Be patient and consistent with your efforts, set realistic goals and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your exercises or treatments to avoid overexertion or getting injured.

While it's essential to work on improving your ROM, as always- listen to your body.

If you experience pain or discomfort during any exercise or treatment, be sure to stop and consult a healthcare professional as pushing through pain can lead to further injury and setbacks in your journey to better mobility.