Jessi Fit Pilates

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3 Tips For Managing Weight

Try these three simple hacks to for healthy weight maintenance and loss

How many times have your tried a crash diets and or unrealistic extreme exercise regimes to stay fit?

Only to wind up quitting because it’s not sustainable and they aren’t designed to create lasting healthy habits?

With people spending over $33 billion on weight loss products annually, you must ensure that you’re investing in the right strategy to help you achieve your ideal weight and stay healthy.

If you’re planning on starting a new fitness and health journey or are already in the process, here are a few important things to remember.

1. Eat well

The common mistake most people make when trying to lose weight is drastically reducing their food portions or restricting too much.

Doing this removes the joy of eating and can cause you to feel deprived and just binge later. And yes eating should be joyful- it is what sustains us, we do it to he social and it can have many good memories with family and friends

Instead of cutting massive calories, be mindful about your eating.

Watch your portion control, and don’t be so hard on yourself. Sure, there are certain foods that you can avoid or limit your intake. Ensure that your meals contain a variety foods that provide excellent nutritional value, including lean proteins, fruits, veggies, legumes, seeds, and whole grains. 

Talk to a pro like a nutritionist or dietician for better assistance in knowing how to eat foods that promote healthy living. They can best advise you on the important nutrients you need and give you a meal plan to follow. 

2. Exercise regularly

Frequent exercise and movement is a great way to improve your mind and your body.

Amazingly, you don’t have to strain your body performing difficult and strenuous plans or do anything you hate. If you’re new to exercising, start by taking brisk walks and slowly increasing your pace and distance. Or take that online dance or yoga class youve been checking out.

If you’ve tried everything before- stick with the one form of exercise you enjoy. It matters less which burns the most calories- it matters more that you sticvk to it and do it often

Make sure you keep track of physical activity. With that data, you can find the exercise that works best for you and know how far you progress as time passes. There are tons of smart watches, fitness trackers mobile applications that you can use for that. Your iphone can even track your steps!

Apart from exercising, you can also make little changes in your activity level and lifestyle. Instead of taking the escalator or elevator, try using the stairs. Doing more house chores can help whip you up in shape as well as walking an extra stop from the subway or parking your car further from the entry point. 

3. Get support

You might not know it, but receiving support is one of the key motivators behind sticking with your new healthy habits

Surround yourself with positive people who would encourage you and even join you in your new menus or fitness plans. 

Some clubs and groups organize fitness events, where you can socialize with other people trying to live healthier lifestyles and exchange useful information. When you have people supporting you, it can push you to work harder on your body. Who knows? You might even inspire them to adopt healthier lifestyles as well. 

Maintaining weight for some of us takes time, effort, and dedication.

But that doesn’t mean you should not celebrate yourself today and everyday. It’s best if you remembe to treat yourself once in a while without feeling guilty. Even if you lose focus for a bit, don’t be hard on yourself; were all only human. The next day is a day to start again so don’t forget to apply the useful tips above.

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